Tues 3/10


*** We will sign up for MHCC College Now Credit on Thurs in class***

** Make sure you have turned in the 2 sides of notes done yesterday with the SUB**

Do Now:

1.Warmup Purple Name Tent


Mon  March 16 Quiz on Sponges and Cnidarians

*Content is in Packet #1  

*Build notes to use on the quiz  write on quiz topics page - LINK

 Quizlet available    Titled -> P. Porifera & P. Cnidaria     Direct LINK to Quizlet

Due Today: 


1.Do NOW Items (see above)

2.Notes Cnidaria Link
(Food capture with videos-> Stopped at Reproduction)
3. pg 20 Back of Packet (1/2 page summary , 10 sentences of notes on pages 15-17)